Getting Started with Devops

What is Devops?

It is a combination of the words "development" and operations" that helps bring the team that creates the code for a specific project from a client(development) and the team that manages the repositories of the code and makes sure that the code stays reliable and up to date (operations) to deliver better software faster.

Find Devops basics here

What is Docker?


Docker is a software program for building applications based on containers. We use it to demonstrate the importance of containerization such as being able to not worry about compatibility programs such as libraries, OSs etc, because containers handle that for us. Furthermore, Docker is a popular Devops technology because it is associated with deployment such as being able to deploy the program the client wants.

Find Docker Basics Here

A more comprehensive guide of Docker with command examples

How To Create Your Own Docker Application

Ultimate Guide For Docker

Docker For The Absolute Beginners Course For Free With Hands On Labs

Hands On Labs To Get Practice With Commands Associated With Docker

Docker Cheat Sheet

Docker Project Ideas

KodeCloud Free Course Youtube Video

Great Video For More Practical Experience With Docker

What is Kubernetes?

It is a open-source management platform that is used to manage the applications associated with Docker such as ones that are containerized(ones that use containers for application development) and overall makes managing Docker like applications much easier.

Find Kubernetes Basics Here