So what is Java?
Find some basics here: and some more in-depth information here:
Now that you know a bit more about Java, it's time to run Hello World! Head here: and click the '⚙️ Execute' button in the top left hand corner. "Hello World" should print in the pane to the right. This is essentially the most basic program you can make and run.
Now that you know what a simple program looks like, here's some more information about what all that code is and what it does: . Follow along with the tutorial and the exercises to familiarize yourself with what Java code looks like and how it works!
Feel free to go back over to to practice writing what you learned from the W3Schools tutorial
What is Java and what specialties does it have?
Now that you've practiced writing bits of code, and you're familiar with Python syntax and such, you can start a project! Submit a project to Devpost at the end of the weekend to compete against the other Learners for prizes. Below are instructions for how to download the Java JDK (JDK stands for Java Development Kit) to your own computer so you can hack your heart out!
Okay cool, so now you've got Java, but where can you actually write the code?? You can use an IDE! An IDE is an "Integrated Development Environment". It lets you write/edit your code, build and run your code, and even helps you debug! We're recommending IntelliJ IDEA :)