Submission Rules:
- Register for CodeQuantum in ****DevPost so you can submit a hackathon project!
- Submissions are limited to those solely submitted to CodeQuantum 2024 hackathon.
- Submissions should be new project started during our competition times.
- Submissions should only be started and worked on by a competition team composed of no more than 4 eligible participants.
- Submissions should include
- an in person presentation no longer than 3 minutes to the judges (used for judging)
- a GitHub repository including the source code for the project (used for validation)
- make sure your repository is set to 'public'
- and any links to deployed versions of your project submitted to Devpost (used for judging)
Setting Your Submission Apart
- Make sure every team member states their contribution to the project.
- Go into detail about your project's inspiration.
- Expand upon your video when stating project's function.
- List all of the technologies you used to build your project.
- Don't just talk about some of the challenges you ran into, but how you overcame them.
- Don't be shy to tell people what you learned over the course of the event.
- Talk about how you would expand upon your project if you had more time.