R is a programming language. It is one of the most popular languages used today for statistical analysis of data.

R For Beginners

This video covers R syntax, data types, and pipes. Syntax refers to the rules you have to follow to write code in a specific language. Data types in R are character like ‘a’, numeric like 3.14, integer like 1, and more. Pipe operators chain different pieces of code together.


Functions in R

Functions are blocks of code that run when they are called; you can think of the equation for a linear line as a function (y=mx+b) that you can call with various values of x and b.


Base R Data Filtering

This video shows how to handle 2-dimensional data structures in R with rows and columns. In other words, how to filter and access data in a table where each column has its own data type. You can store data from CSV files in R and then graph them!


Graphing in R

R has a very popular graphing library called ggplot. Learn how to use it to make graphs from your data here!
