I've never coded before! Where do I start?

Right here! We've got some Python, Java, and Web-development sections are here to help you write your very first Hello World program!



Web Development




I made 'Hello World'! Now What?

After you've taken the plunge and you've run your first program, you should continue exploring and playing around with the simple features languages have to offer. Print lots of things, try out some math, or even a "for loop"!

Now that you've taken your newly found skills for a test drive, it's time to think about what you want to make this weekend. Your goal can be something simple like making a program to demo all of the things you learned how to do in a certain language or a cool website. These projects don't have to be finished (you only have one weekend to code and nobody expects you to have a market-ready product ready to roll out by noon on Sunday) but do as much as you can and our mentors help you out if you get stuck!

I need help! I'm stuck! I have questions!

If you need help with your project, our mentors are here to help! In order to connect hackers with mentors this year we're going to be using discord tickets and mentors will be walking around to help! Tickets provide a way to create a chat with mentors. Once it get's claimed, you can start chatting and describe what issues you are having to the mentors.

You've got this.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5b9aa8de-4e34-474f-980b-898ea30e056b/partners.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5b9aa8de-4e34-474f-980b-898ea30e056b/partners.png" width="40px" /> That’s right. You heard me. You’ve got this. You’re gonna crush this weekend. Now go out there and hack your heart out!


<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/70f8f5fc-b58a-46f6-9e2b-d7bf203e13ab/478ea795-39ca-4ac8-8803-f36f1daf35aa/CQLogo_Black_Final.svg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/70f8f5fc-b58a-46f6-9e2b-d7bf203e13ab/478ea795-39ca-4ac8-8803-f36f1daf35aa/CQLogo_Black_Final.svg" width="40px" /> CodeQuantum - February 3th WebsiteInstagramDiscord
